All Saints School and APT (Association of Parents & Teachers) is a volunteer based organization that creates events and opportunities for the benefit and enrichment of students. We encourage families to come together and show support for our school through a shared learning experience. We organize two major fundraisers per year. A Walk-a-Thon in the fall and a Parents Night Out in the spring. These events can only be successful with the help of parents and family donations. We encourage everyone to get involved! All dollars raised go directly back to the school to fund creative and innovative projects throughout the year.
The Association of Parents & Teachers (APT) is made up of All Saints School parents and teachers. These volunteers organize and implement many needed projects and fun social events that compliment the educational experiences of our children. The dollars raised through our fundraisers help support many aspects of All Saints School including: technology for the classrooms, faculty workshops, fine arts experiences, America Reads, Write-On publishing program, Grandparents Day, Catholic Schools Week, All Saints Art Fair, and so much more!